Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This was indeed the hardest one, but after much thought(more than anyone elses) I felt like Snoop matched more than anyone. Snoop is Chill. Steve is chill. Both talk with a light heartedness and if you really listen to Steve rap, sometimes he raps like Snoop. Both are tall and lanky and you can always catch Snoop dancing like an old man just like when me and Steve are getting down. Oh, and they both say dog a lot after their sentences hahah. When I was telling Charmaine about it she said "I can totally see Steve in the Drop it Like It's Hot Video as Snoop" I guess I would be Pharrell? Haha who knows. But Yes, Steve is Snoop. =]


Anonymous said...

ahhahahaha I love this one


Caleb said...

couldn't be more accurate