Thursday, May 21, 2009

Throwback Track: I GOT 5 ON IT-LUNIZ

A West Coast Hip Hop CLASSIC. I dont know anyone who doesnt like this song. But then again Jerry can just come out and surprise me on this one but we will see haha.
Um I happen to think that the remix is more popular than the original seeing as they have all those features. Caleb threw this video of Skater Sean Malto at me and he had the song on his part, I think its funny but its also sick. So check it out. I put the video for the remix on here too. The Cookie Monster Got 5 On It MAYNE.

oh, and ya'll should thank Larisa for this one. She suggested it. haha

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm not exactly sure when it became a very bad thing to have a booty in America but I do know the exact moment when I got really fed up with the media and its constant hate on full figured girls....its was when they said Kim Kardashian was fat....

Now let me break this shit down so it can and forever be broken. Having a booty or an ass or dump, or flapjacks, or cakes, or cheeks, or being a winner of the horse award simply means that you have some poke in them jeans, shorts, leggings, dress or whatever you girls like wearing. It can be something thats slightly noticeable or something that makes you say in a whisper kind of voice "Daaaammn" well When I see a big one I usually make gasping sound hahaha. What up Dart?!

Now, what I really dont get is this countries problem with girls having a nice bottom. As soon as a chick, hold on, let me start that soon as they have a really popular girl of color in the headlines, they wanna hate on her(they didnt do that shit to scarlett, or lindsey when she had ass). She's fat, she has an ass, thats nasty. HOW IS THAT NASTY? better question: HOW THE FUCK IS SHE FAT???? Do they know that they don't even make sense? Kim isnt THAT thick. I've seen chicks at school or in the hood or in the suburbs with way more ass than her. So what would the media call them? OBESE? Come on man, we know what fat really is. Fat is how Roseanne looked. Fat is how Riki Lake got after a couple of seasons. Fat is A mafucka not being able to sit in a seat. Fat is unhealthy. Having a fat ass isnt. haha.

Back back in the day when Ms. Monroe was alive, full figured girls were the shit. They were praised. That was normal for a girl to have a booty, even white girls(well its pretty much normal now but still fascinating)Now we praise women who have the bodies of ten year-olds. Kate Moss is disgusting looking. Nicole Ritchie used to look good until you saw her ribs on the cover of mags. I'm not hating on skinny girls. I like to tease my skinny friends but its all love(Nana, Charmaine, ect) but see, they do not look like Concentration Camp Survivors. They dont look like Gandhi after a food strike. Slim is good, but when you're too slim, thats gross. I'm sorry it is. You may be able to hoola whoop through a cheerio yo. haha.

Seriously, having an ass is not bad AT ALL. AT ALL. AT ALL. It is when you're a guy tho. haha. Like if you have a bigger but than your girl? Naaaaahhh maaaan haha. I mean what part of the game is it when a 30 something year old tells a 14 year old she wants to be her size?(my neighbor and my sister) The 30 something year old ways at leat 130 already. Stupid.

America needs to stop trippin on the booty and embrace it.....that aint really sound right but ya'll get me.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The Man! One of the greatest symbols for black people EVER. Wish they'd talk more about him in schools in this country but he subversive so they're not really gonna give him the shine he deserves. I think it was after watching X for the 2nd or 3rd time I made a memo in my head to give him shine ever year for his birthday. =]
Rest In Peace
Brother Malcolm

Is It A Wrap For YE?

HHHMMM So remember that whole thing when Kanye broke homeboy's camera at the airport??? Yeah, well, Kanye is facing two and a half years in prison for assault, theft and vandalism charges and Don C. is facing five years in prison for the same shit. Now i'm pretty sure we all have seen the video of them bashing dudes camera and Kanye yellin "Aint no police DAWG!!!"(which had me hella weak) buuut these dudes are facing prison time? You may think I'm bias for saying this but honestly, I dont think thats reasonable. I mean I think Kanye should prolly get the dude a new camera and then some since he's got money but sending him to jail is doing too much. Then you have the issue of dude filming or taking pics of Kanye, invading his privacy and bothering him so that fact would maybe irritate him and make him mad and would lead to what he did. I dunno, what do you think?

oh and and funny side note, there was video of somebody asking Damon Dash(former CEO of Roc-a-fella) if he heard what happened. The convo went like this...

"Hey Dame"
"What Up?"
"Whats your thoughts on the Kanye, airport situation?"
"What you talkin bout? Oh what did he have another temper tantrum?"

hahahahahahahah It's someting you have to see cause Dame talks funny


So i'm on Myspace(Yes, I still be on myspace) and I get a comment from Jerry and he's like check this band, I'm really feeling them. So knowing that Jerry is a reliable source I go check out the band called Miike Snow with two ii's. I had no idea what to expect because as soon as you go to their page there is a picture of a big ass white rabbit with antlers..... hahah wtf right? The picture was kind of undesirable but the music was the opposite. Jerry claims they will be the next thing in music or indie music, not sure which one, but I may have to agree with him. Two of the members produced for Kylie Minogue(sexy) and I believe they produced Toxic by Brittany Spears(thats my shit) but as poppy as that sounds, they're sound isnt that pop. Its a little dark, danceable, and ambient. I love it actually. They dont really have that much stuff on Youtube so i got this song "Burial" for guys to listen to =]
p.s. I love how the piano sounds all chopped up in the song.

Burial - Miike Snow


Sometimes I would wonder what it would be like to make music with my girlfriend(if i had one). How would that work? hahah Kinda weird. I guess it works with Matt and Kim, since they make dope ass music. It's pop but its good pop in my opinion. Yes, there is a thing that exists called good pop music, just look at Gnarls, Coldplay, and even Kanye since he claims he's a pop artist. I'm doing to two parts for the music pick of the week because I'm crazy about this band but I also told Jerry I would shine light on a band he's crazy about. I bought some songs from Matt and Kim's album Grand, I think ya'll will dig it. This song right here is my favorite song to skate to as far as songs of 2009 go. =]

They Tried To Charge Me, But I'm Not Guilty!

I want to thank R. Kelly for those words. So about hhmmm almost two hours ago(possibly longer) the blog was shut down by the folks who run this blogsite. They said that I had possibly violated the terms and conditions on the blog and that I couldnt post anything and that my blog would get deleted if I didnt send a request to have them look over my blog. I'm aiming Larisa and we're both like WTF, so of course I send in the request. These fucking guys or girls or both say that they suspected my blog was a Spam Blog..... Hella dumb. So i'm all freaking out like aaahh man, these niggas are trying to shut me down and I'm feeling like O.J. or Jay-Z or any other brotha on trial and come to find out, I was acquitted of all charges. =]

So the Cookie Monster blog is here to stay.

Thanks for the moral support Larisa and Rochelle

p.s. Larisa and I coming up with ideas for a Cookie Monster tee shirt hehehe ho ho yeaaahh

Monday, May 18, 2009



Ya'll know she's my number 1.

"She may be nothing to you, but she's the SHIT to me."-Kanye West


No bullshit, this is exactly how it is right now with EVERYONE and me haha. I'm George and Jerry and Elaine are EVERYONE ELSE. Thanks Jerbear haha

oh and a funny thing was, well really it isnt funny for me, but you may think its funny....

I woke up this morning from a dream about Drake and his fucking song "You The Best I Ever Had" or whatever it is. =[

and a big NO HOMO on that one

The 'Drake' from williamT on Vimeo.