Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hero Day

HMMM it had to be.... my freshman year(in high school) when I discovered the Neptunes and N.E.R.D. and Pharrell Williams has been in inspiration to me ever since. From creating original music, to dressing well, to being a nice guy, to do what you feel, shit, even skating(just a lil bit haha) I was stoked when I saw this. Enjoi =]

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And They Thought I Wouldn't Get Personal

"oh i'm the asshole right, cause i'm the only one who's got any balls around here"-Jude from I'm Not There

my whole life my mom told me not to let ppl treat me wrong, stomp all over me, use me, other shit. i never really followed what she said until....maybe two years and haven't looked back since.

I'm an asshole, a jerk, a bad employee, subversive, anti-american, a rebel, all that negative shit, just because i speak up and defend myself?

because i'm going to speak on something that i dont feel is right. whether its political or if i feel someone is treating me wrong(only if it is clear that i am treating them right which is 97% of the time)

well, here's what i got to say, if i'm nice to you, if i respect you, if i take time out of my day to say hi to you or to hang out with you, to be there when you need someone to talk to, to have your back.....i'm going to get in your shit if i dont feel that same love back. i aint no fuckin doormat. i aint no fuckin toy that you play with whenever you want, nor am i a tool that you use whenever you need it.

i'm a human being and i'm being nice to you. i dont have to be, but something in me makes me that way. because deep down, i'm a good natured person.

i have my faults, i'm sensitive, i can be selfish without trying, i'm a bit of a snob, very sarcastic when sometimes i shouldnt be.

but i will not take anymore shit off of you. you will not treat me like i dont matter, and when i get into your shit you wanna act like you dont be on some bullshit. i'm not having no more.

you can call me an asshole all you want, but by the end of it, i will have struck something in you to make you think about yourself. only a person who's good at admitting his faults can do this. and i dare someone to try to tell me i dont admit my faults.

as the chinese guy and chris tucker said in rush hour...."i no punk bitch"

p.s. i dont care if i spelled anything wrong

Monday, February 2, 2009

Music Pick of the Week: FLEET FOXES

I love music. I make it so i love it alot. Music Pick of the Week is basically me showcasing my favorite acts. Thanks to my homie Jerry, I have this video of Fleet Foxes. These two dudes(i think its two) did like all the Beirut(band) Videos and I love how they shoot and make everything look. Fleet Foxes had one of my top 10 favorite albums in 2008. I simply love them. They're performing my favorite song off their album in the video. Blue Ridge Mountains....

From Water to Trees

The first news story I saw when I woke up this morning was about this dude smoking weed. hahahaa. DAAAMN MIKE! Taking the Ricky Williams route. Don't do that. hahaaa. He apologized, but who was he really apologizing to? His Fans? Come on, they don't care. He's not trying to lose the sponsers and the MONEY. If it came out that he was using steroids, then I could see about saying you're sorry, but its just trees. Haha. Its funny how people still say POT. Never got that one. =]

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Tough Call

Nobody really likes a snitch. After watching that video you may be thinking "wow, what a dumb ass" or "hey, he has a point". I think i'm both ways. I can't stand people who feel they have to tell every little thing to someone or to someone of a higher authority about some one else so they can get in trouble. Like whats the point? Are you having fun? Are you getting paid for doing this? Stop snitching. MF DOOM said "real men mind they're own business". I try to follow that but of course I'm human so.... haha. BUT, if there was a serial killer living next to me, I think thats an issue thats more than just protecting myself. You don't want anybody dying because you didnt tell someone about the murderer you got living next to you. I think i'd inform somebody about it, then move haha. I dunno, tough call. But snitching on some petty issue or order of business. NOT cool. Ever. Especially if you live in certain areas where you knoooow the people around you hate people that snitch. It's not worth it.
Oh and the thing he said about saying hi to cops. I agree. I mean I don't find it necessary to talk to people I dont like so why talk to cops? haha. BUT, when we do have problems like domestic disputes or car trouble, who do we call???? Ghostbusters duh! Just kidding. Its a tough call. Overall, I thought the video was kind of funny. Anderson Cooper is cool too. I would say DIPSET! but Cam isnt in it anymore =[

First Time Funnies

So being that this is my first entry, I wanted to go the humorous route. So I'm posting this video of this comedian. His name's Reggie Reg and he does THE greatest Denzel Washington/Morgan Freeman impression. And I love these two actors so watch and laugh!

Here's to new beginnings =]