Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Glimpse Into The Future

This is ill to me. Minority Report shit.

Friday, July 10, 2009


aaaaahh man, seeing this video brings back soooo many memories. The days when we(me, jerry, dave, chris, sometimes steve and other ppl) recorded. Dave was always telling me to bring my camera. Fun as hell. Here's a video of us working on Dave's album which we're still working on but the production job switched to me. I think if me and Jerry produced it, it would be better haha.

FT in the Studio

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Throwback Track: T.R.O.Y. -Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth


Props to Larisa(duh)

Def Poetry-Steve Coleman

I'm pretty sure this is off of the first season. This is one of my favorites that I've seen on that show and I miss it sooooo bad. One of the lines he says is just like WOOOOOOW thats incredible and you'll know when you hear it ha. Enjoi.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Boy Meets World Listening Party-FASHAWN

Caaaan't fucking wait! September baby!

Represent! Represent!

There are some people in this country who believe race doesn't matter or exist even. And technically it really doesn't(I've seen the facts in a video). But nonetheless, we do live in a country where it does matter and it does effect things, believe it or not. Especially in your own community. People of color have been misrepresent for longest time in this country and in one particular big area which is in the media. With my lot, we have been made to look threatening, unintelligent, lazy, unmotivated, money hungry, and so on. And when the attacks come from a Conservative outlet or someone just trying to start shit, there are live press conferences or debates. And most of the time you see rappers on the tube trying to defend a whole culture and I have a huge problem with this. represent

There are some known rappers who would be great to represent blacks in discussions about anything that deal with blacks or deal with anything in general, but those rappers are hardly ever called on. Mos Def is probably the only one that is exempt from that. But most of the time its, Jay-Z, or T.I. or Cam'ron or a rapper who continues to blab the same thing over and over again and then you're looking at him like "I could have said something smarter or more in depth than that." Honestly, rappers, are not the best fit to represent black people in the media. I mean, if they were putting Mos, Talib, Lupe, maybe Jay Electronica, or have Immortal Technique for Latin Americans I would be down for that because you can tell they know what they're talking about by listening to their music. We(black ppl) should be having ppl like Cornel West, Tavis Smiley, Micheal Eric Dyson, talking for us, not Ludacris and not even Russell Simmons for that matter. Like honestly. And if the issue is hip hop, get the most intelligent ones not the most popular. People already think hip hop is bad anyway. Why would I want someone to represent me, who has a show about the 30 or so days before they go jail? Why would I want someone to represent me if all their songs talk about spending money and then some of the occasional songs, talk about social issues? NOOOOPE. Jay-Z is a smart guy, he's an incredible lyricist, i think he's the greatest duh, but If I had to choose a rapper to represent my people in the media so the bigots, and racists wont think we're still a bunch of dumb asses who cant keep up, I'm going with someone else who knows they're shit and can talk politics. Why do you think you only see Cornel West and Mos on Bill Maher? Because I'm pretty sure Bill thinks Mos is an intelligent person and he would be a good person to represent a culture. But that's only a guess. That would be my reasoning....

Mr. Beach

Monday, July 6, 2009

MPW:PHOENIX(200th post)

UUUUM I dont have too much to say other than they're new album is a MUST HAVE like honestly its dope as hell. And that I'm late on their music but not them as a band. And that You can listen to their song on the playlist. And that they're French. And it's great music, and They're amazing and......You get the point right? RIGHT. Enjoi.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Die

Is it just me, or is it starting to get a little creepy with all these popular people dying? Its like they're falling like flies do, after being sprayed with a can of Raid a couple of times. Its very sad. I'm not gonna lie, it is freaking me out juuuuust a little bit. I think its been like 6 or 7 popular people I know of that have died in the last month I believe.

Some family members were over yesterday and they said its definitely the sign of the times. Now, global warming, and maybe an approaching war may be the sign of the times but dying celebs? I dunno bout that one, but we never know. This shit is just getting out of control. Next thing you know, we'll be awaiting the next celebs death because we're becoming so used to it. I hope that doesnt happen but fuck, I have a small feeling that that may happen. I mean people die everyday, I never really got why a popular person dying is so unbelievable. Fame or money doesnt make you invincible. Maybe money haha. Shit is crazy.

Mr. Francis Beach