Thursday, July 16, 2009


You know, I've been waiting for the LRG video for like...4 years maybe. They have a solid team and they need to go ahead and put a video out. Havent been a fan of the clothes since....05/06 but I like the skaters on the team.

Good vid, good Modest Mouse and Prodigy tracks.

my fav 3 on the the team:Jack Curtin(white guy) Karl Watson(black guy) Adelmo Jr.(Brazilian with dreads) I think I skate like Karl Watson lightweight.

Throwback Track: You Got Me-The Roots

Probably my favorite relationship song. Off my favorite Roots album: Things Fall Apart. This may change depending on whether I buy their older albums or if they're new album will be tight. Ah, and ?uestlove's sticking at the end.....Priceless.
And I don't still dont get why all of the people are dead on the streets, everytime I watch it I try to figure it out but my thoughts dont make too much sense. Oh well, enjoi.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Dont Know What To Think

Do You?

What did you think about it?

My mind is in knots

Alone Time In Japan

I was just scoping out BBC news and I came across this peculiar story about hotels who specialize in the business of romance and are getting some good profits out of it. If you can't find no alone time for your hubs or wife,you might wanna fly to Japan...

Check IT

The New Workout Plan

Interesting. I assume since the report and video are kind of new, there hasn't been a video with an embed code. However, it is just as accessible if you click the link. You can loose mad weight by just having a shot? HMMMMM

Could an Injection Help You Shed Pounds? - ABC News

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I wanna say, maybe a month or so ago, Jerry told me I should do a top ten list of the best ten albums of the decade for next year. I started to laugh because for one, it was kind of random but a good idea, but I quickly dismissed dong it because I couldn't possibly do that. It'd be waaay to hard. Then maybe two weeks ago, a co-worker asked me what were my favorite albums of the last 9 years and we started rattling some albums off. One album I forgot to mention to him was Sitting Around, Keeping Score by Spymob, probably, most likely, i'm pretty sure, it's my favorite rock album of all time. Yes, this includes any Coldplay, Beatles, Fleet Foxes, or any other rock album I really like.

The album was released in 2004, and luckily for me, I was reading album credits at that time. If you have N.E.R.D.'s first album, it would do you good to read who was actually playing the instruments......Spymob. They also were their(N.E.R.D.) band for when they did live shows. Before their album came out, they were featured on the Neptunes Presents:Clones album(the song is at the bottom) and I instantly fell in love. Then the album came out and I listened to it ALL THE TIME. No other rock album gives me the feelings this album gives me. If we're talking best albums from 2000-2009, it is one of the most underrated albums in that span of time. Sadly, they never released anything else after that. No one knows why, hardly anyone knows of them so it's hard to get news on them or pictures or anything. I put up like all the songs I could find from the album, but I had to end up using the the imeem playlist which only plays 30 seconds =[ Even if you read this and go eh, jsut another band, you could at least, if you like rock music, listen to the playlist I put together. Just click it and it will take you to my profile page and go from there. If you like it, you could prolly get the album on Amazon or Itunes or somewhere else. IT'S A MUST HAVE I KID YOU NOOOOOOT.

Here's my first encounter with Spymob....

Monday, July 13, 2009

DJ Exile and DJ Day MJ Tribute


The Top Ten Worst Clothing Brands

I'm pretty sure something like this will be done next year since its the first ten years of the millennium, but I'm going to do it now. I think it was either me thinking of a funny video(the one below) or seeing someone recently wearing one of these brands, or talking to someone about it that got me thinking. What are the worst brands of clothing I have seen in the last ten years? And all of a sudden the names started flowing. I talked to a couple of friends and more names starting flowing and it got me to this list right here. Some of you may disagree, but I think most of you will agree, but ALL of you will laugh. I mean, some of these brands, I would just either look at and and get weak, or just look at and be like ew, wtf where they thinking? This was easy as far as candidates go but when it came to ranks, that was the hard part(mind you, I ranked the brands while dropping the duce haha) From skateboard brands, to high end fashion, to hip hop brands, to UFC, I give you now, the top ten Worst Clothing Brands of the last ten years.....
(If you're not familiar with the brand, you can look it up haha)

10.Betsey Johnson




6.Famous Stars and Straps

5.Ice Cream


3.G-Unit Clothing

2.Ed Hardy

1.Ricco Tizio

and here is the video and evidence of why Ricco Tizzio is the worst shit I have ever seen...(please watch the whole thing, it's funny enough)