Friday, April 10, 2009

The Top 60 Ghetto Names

Maybe I should be offended by this, but I'm not hahahah. maybe....90% of these names are actually used. Number 1 will have you very surprised hahaha

Let The Sun Shine In

Now the basis of a good movie is a good story right? All I have to say, that If you like a good story, then you should try to go see Sunshine Cleaning. I think Amy Adams could play just about any type of role. I'm not saying this is an Oscar worthy performance or film but sometimes a movie with a good story, good cast, and some meaning to it can be all you really need.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kanye West vs. South Park

Now-a-days when you say something vs. something else it means a collab. But I'm pretty sure Kanye had nothing to do with this. I dont really like South Park but this was hella funny. I like how they made Kanye's friends look EXACTLY how they look in real life. Hope Ye doesnt get too mad, but he prolly will.

Family Guy>South Park

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Good Samaritan in 2009

Now as I am on my way off the net and on to my bed, I spot this story and I was blown away. Here we are in some of the worst economic times most of us have ever known, and we have really cool people like this in America. The woman had like 360 racks and gave it back. In a recession?! I dont know, I think thats incredible. What would You Do? I couldnt tell you what I would do to be honest. Thats some good money but its not yours really. Some people would take that as a sign if they found a check for that much. But giving it back was the right thing to do. I'm pretty sure she will get rewarded some kind of way. I hope she does. But i'll never know =[ haha

Rock the Bells 2009

So this line up looks better than last years. Me and the homies may return for the sequel to 2007's amazing trip/show. Hopefully with added guests of our own =]

Throwback Track: Are You That Somebody?

MAAAAAAN. I will have to give my sister partial credit for this one. I walked into her room and she was listening to Aaliyah and a light bulb went off in my head. A little bit later, I texted my partner in crime, we agreed on the lovely lady and I picked this song. This may be my 1st or 2nd favorite song from Aaliyah. R.I.P.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Frank Has A Deathwish

To be honest. The best thing in world to me would be able to own something like a skatepark, or a record store or a production company with my best freinds. Like all of us making reasonable money, living how we want to and shit. I mean prolly everyone is like that, but I'm REALLY trying to be like that. The rule of thumb in my clique is that if one makes it we all do. Who ever hits it, or get some dough, you put everyone on. Kanye said it best "First I get my money Right, then i put my team on". This video is of two skaters who I like and one of them(Jim Greco) is one of Caleb's favs. I think what they're doing with their company is dope. And now you guys know where my aim screen name came from(Jae has a deathwish)I would change it to Frank but I'd have to get all you guys sn's again.....NOPE. HAHA

p.s. I love my niggas

Fur In My Cap

All I can Say is my trademark saying *Cough Cough* *Clears Throat*


Like a BOSS

I think ya'll will enjoy this. hahaha

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Battle at the Berrics

Okaaaay OK OKaaayyy-kanye west

I had to! I had Tooooo. Me and Caleb be watching these Battle at Berrics(skatepark) all the time and I finally saw the semi finals and finals just now. Skater or not, you HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHIT. It'

thats the new shit. when you cant find a word in the english or slang dictionary, to describe something of great joy, you say global.

please watch. Caleb! Holla At me!

p.s. The Berrics is a skatepark owned by Eric Koston and Steve Berra

one of these days, me and Caleb gone have our own park: FNF(flaco and francis) =]

I Poke Her Face

Kid Cudi x Kanye West x Common x Lady Gaga

I like this shit. I will assume Kanye made the beat and therefore sampled Lady Gaga's Poker Face.

take a listen.


I waited until the new week started to post this. and for those of you who read the blog directly from email(Amy, Danny, prolly other ppl) you are missing out on seeing my new crush and Music Pick of the Week: Melanie Fiona.
I usually dont listen to R&B but when I came across this lovely lady, i decided to take a listen and it aint that bad. In fact, I think its really dope. The video is entertaining, trust me.