Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Frank Has A Deathwish

To be honest. The best thing in world to me would be able to own something like a skatepark, or a record store or a production company with my best freinds. Like all of us making reasonable money, living how we want to and shit. I mean prolly everyone is like that, but I'm REALLY trying to be like that. The rule of thumb in my clique is that if one makes it we all do. Who ever hits it, or get some dough, you put everyone on. Kanye said it best "First I get my money Right, then i put my team on". This video is of two skaters who I like and one of them(Jim Greco) is one of Caleb's favs. I think what they're doing with their company is dope. And now you guys know where my aim screen name came from(Jae has a deathwish)I would change it to Frank but I'd have to get all you guys sn's again.....NOPE. HAHA

p.s. I love my niggas

1 comment:

rose said...

you get the skate park ill get the record label :]