Saturday, May 9, 2009

What We Thought About In The Dark

We thought about light
We thought about life
We thought about pain
We thought about loss
We stared into the darkness
Trying to visualize our thoughts
We thought about love
We thought about love
We thought about love
We thought about love
We thought about a place
where we could escape
We thought about a face
that would come tell us it was safe
We thought about the past
We thought about the now
We thought about the future
and how thats gonna play out
We thought about silence
We thought about noise
We thought up imaginations
We thought about ideas
We thought about ourselves
and no one else
Thoughts in the Dark

Friday, May 8, 2009

Skateboarding on the Big Screen

Street Dreams starring Paul Rodriguez Jr Rob Dyrdek, Ryan Sheckler, Terry Kennedy, and some other known/unknown skateboarders. I lightweight wanna see this...

Find more videos like this on Street Dreams Movie

That Live Shit: Gnarls Barkley


Reckoner(Radiohead Cover)

Just thought you'd folks may like this. =]

Judd Apatow Interview

YEEEAAAHH My boy Judd! Haha A movie with Diddy??? He had nothing to do with Adventureland??? He's on Time's most influential people???

Damn. Its worth a read and maybe a comment(Danny)....

Do IT!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jamie Foxx Vs. Terrence Howard

As usual, Jamie is Clownin!!!! hahahah

shout out to my big brother Dart for showing it to me

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Funny People

Latest film from my favorite Jewish person besides Ms. Bleshman: Judd Apatow.

Usually, my dude be producing all the funny ass films we love which star Seth Rogan(overrated) Paul Rudd, Jonah Hill, and Jason Segel.

But to be honest.....I dont know if this is going to be on the caliber of The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. But we'll see.

and yes, I think Seth Rogan is overrated. Sorry.

Waltz with Bashir

Possibly, the best documentary I have ever seen.

I would have to watch it again to give more analysis but off first watch, its an interesting story about a former Israeli soldier who loses most of his memory of the Lebanon war and finds former comrades to help him remember.

Even if you're aren't into animation, I still think you would like this....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Uno Para Cinco De Mayo

Senorita by Justin Timberlake hahahha

love this shiiit.

shout out to my latin mami's!!!!!!

Good Morning, Megan

Oh don't hate, you know I had to do it.

she didnt win the male obsession award last year(on the Jae B. awards) for nothing!

shit she may win this year too. But i dunno, Rebecca Hall is killing it to me(see her in GQ Magazine and in Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Frost/Nixon )



Soooo there are two albums right now that I cant put down. One is Deeper than Rap by Rick Ross(surprising, yes I know) and the other Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal Collective. Origanlly, I was going to do a two part Music Pick of the Week but after continuous listens to Rick Ross, I changed my mind, but he'll get some shine later on here(I forgot how limited he is haha)

Now, I'm pretty sure a lot of people have not heard of Animal Collective. I never heard of them until last year(thanks to Jerry and Death and Taxes Magazine) It sucks because they make fantastic music and they have that perfect indie voice almost like the Shins. Its electronic, ambient, techno, indie, alternative, but its not what you expect really. Its not Justice or MGMT or your typical pulsating ass synthesisers and 808 drums. Its more delicate and easy to listen to. Plus they make really dope ass videos. So I suggest every one get this album. Its already in my top ten for the year and its only May....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Throwback Track: Passin' Me By

This is very much my theme song still hahah. It'll change eventually. The Pharcyde forever make innovative videos, and are one of the greatest west coast rap groups ever and one of the greatest rap groups ever.

West Coast!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I think this is a video for their ams. I'm not really sure. It looks a little more exciting than Nike's first video which minus a couple of peoples parts was rather boring and overdone. But this one seems more interesting. I'm stoked because I just got some low top blazers haha. But i'm still skating vans....duh.

Twitter vs. Blogging

Wednesday night was the first real argument I had with someone about twitter. It was weird because I figured this person would have waaaay more sense than to signing up and gett a twitter and having the nerve to ask me to follow them.

"you blog so you might as well get twitter. You ask me to read your blog...."

So lets get this straight. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Twitter basically letting everyone know everything you do all day everyday? Lets be honest, that's all it is. You can only used 140 characters, and you cant post videos, or photos. Hm, this kind of sounds like text messaging not blogging. If i wanted to let you know what I am doing.....wait, I wouldn't want to let you know what I am doing all the time. Why the fuck would I want to do that? I don't do that on this blog and I dont even do that shit on Facebook or Myspace. I may put in my status every once in awhile that I had fun hanging with my friends or whatever, but for the most part I quote movies or songs that have to deal with me. If we're aiming then yeah, of course, because we're having a conversation. Twitter is bulletins without having a profile page with pictures and music on it. I guess someone figured that all people do on Myspace was read other people's bulletins. I guess people didn't contact other people who they haven't seen in years or go onto music artist pages and listen to music. And to be honest, the only reason why Facebook smashed Myspace was because immature ass people would sign on to other people's shit and fuck with their profile page. It became unsafe to be on Myspace. That's understandable but it sucks because I personally think Myspace is still better but I use it less because 98% of who I talk to is on Facebook. I don't see how reading someones twitter is more exciting, entertaining, or intriguing than reading a blog, a magazine(print or online) aiming, or just having a real fucking conversation.

Is America that damn bored and lazy? Oh wait, twitter is on world status huh? well shit, is the damn world that bored and lazy? Twitter is fucking stupid. The only way you could compare Twittering to blogging is if you read someones blog in which all they talk about is what they did today or the next day. Do I do that? I don't think so. I put in conversations that I have had that relate to the topic to give it more life, but I certainly do not come up on here talking about how I just played video games with my brother or how i just got off work, lets hang out. You wont ever catch me on twitter or following someone on twitter. Every artist I listen to is probably on twitter, and I don't follow none of em. I'd rather see an article on a band I like that takes you in a day in the life or see photos, not some bullshit twitter shit. I don't care, I like blogging. Call me stubborn, whatever, Fuck Twitter.

p.s. It will not be getting Internet sensation on the Cookie Monster Awards at the end of the year. That's how much I loathe it.

Gomez Warren IV

Like Lupe said on Superstar "The Return"

The whole time I was really planning a week long vacation, but two important people(rose and larisa) told me to start blogging again so shit I had to cut the vacation short. Thank them because if they didnt say anything, I prolly woulda still been m.i.a.

So, just like the very first post on the blog, I'm posting one of my favorite funny videos that I watch when i'm bored or sad or just want to laugh.

Gomez Warren is a DJ, Skateboarder and an affiliate of the creators of the clothing line called The Hundreds. Me and Dart used to watch this video a lot because A. its hella funny B. we were into the hundreds soooo bad at this time(way before it got super popular...duh) and C. because Gomez is funny

so I hope you enjoi, and now that I'm back I'm going to be doing some more writing on some funny topics so "stay with me like ?uestlove drum timing" - Median