Thursday, March 11, 2010

Early Iraq Election Results

I've been following this for a minute now.

Check It Out

J*Davey-Get Together

They are forever slept on. You should try to download anything you can find of theirs. I'm telling you, you will not be disappointed.

Just Wright


Paula Patton tho

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Throwback Track:Rakim-When I B On The Mic

One of the greatest rappers of all time mixed with one of the greatest producers of all time. In other words...I had to =]


I Implore You To See Reason

The evidence that this album is dope, is irrefutable

Kinda got all that from Dumbledore.

You should buy this....just sayin

A Precious Performance

Basically, the only winner at the Oscars who actually deserved it(besides Christoph Waltz) I finally got to watch Precious and Mo'nique was incredible, grade A, just amazing. I'm so happy for her and the movie as a whole.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fuck You and Your Etiquette

I've been 21 for 7 or 8 months now? Been to a couple of clubs and bars. They are fun, or can be fun, I should say. And I like to have fun. What is not fun, are the unwritten rules of club or bar etiquette that so called "cool" or "established" or "connected" people set in place and impose on others. These include signals for the male and female to supposedly follow when they are in a club/bar. They're fucking stupid, and I'll tell you why. In my opinion, the club/bar is a place to have fun FIRST. Second, its a possible place to interact with people of the opposite sex or same given what you're into. Third, it's a place to forget about your issues(hopefully, although the liquor may bring them back)When i go out(which is not that often) I like to drink something, dance my ass off, and have a good time. But oooooh nooooo, I can't just do thaaaat noooo, I have to stand at the bar and look like I don't give a fuck or look like I'm the coolest thing you ever saw. I'm supposed to order certain drinks, because I may look gay, or like a tool, or blah blah blah. I'm not supposed to dance, I'm supposed to stand on the wall. Nah, FUCK THAT. I'm tired of hearing, espescially from adults, what I should and should not be doing in this place of fun. And yeah, it's stubbornness, and yes it's pride, but mainly, it's the fact that I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. I want to have fun, so I'm gonna do what helps me to have fun, which is drink colorful drinks that get me drunk, because, sorry old man, a beer and a shot aint doin it. I'm gonna dance, because number one I can, number two, it's FUUUUUN. I don't pay 20 or however many amount of dollars to stand around to TRY and look cool. TRY, to send the right signals. Fuck all that. So, the next time someone, either my age or older than me tries to tell me how to act in the club/bar I will tell them some version of this blog post and piss them off. As long as I'm carrying myself in a respectable manor(as much as possible in a club/bar) you need not say anything to me about my etiquette. Thanks old timer.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reflection Eternal-In This World

April 20th