Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The Year called 2009, was rough, yet great all at once. The best way to describe this year would have to be the opening line from A Tale of Two Cities:
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It's kind of bad, when celebs start to die off faster than ever(probably) and you need more than one hand to count how many of them died. It's bad when one man's life and sports career is ruined by the media, even though he truely brought it on himself. It's also kind of bad, to reside in a state who has the highest unemployment rate and in the same state, the tuition goes up like crazy. There was H1N1, Shit, I even started seeing a therapist. BUT, through all this and probably more, we have found ways to be happy and to have fun. All of the 88ers FINALLY got their chance to be 21, we witnessed the first term of the first President of Color(good or bad, it was still cool to see) The ladies of the world went goo goo and basically ape shit over GAGA, there was a movie finally made for the fucked up way we feel when we wake up in the morning after a long night of drinking. Some one also made a movie about 500 days of a relationship that was so spot on for some people, that now Zooey Deschenel is no longer the girl everyone loves and Joseph Gordon Levitt is the Beta Male's unsung hero. We finally saw where the wild things are, The LAKERS AND THE YANKEES fought their way back to glory, Hip Hop had a good year, and indie music was probably at its peak. Oh, and I went to Hawaii, and wrote a short story(first in years) and a short screenplay(first ever)
Like any generation in a hard time, we found many different ways to get over the hardships that we faced(if applicable) and have fun. I know in some small way, everyone has had bad time this year.(R.I.P. NINA MARIE, MY FRIEND) But what I guess I'm trying to say is that you have to take a look at the Good Things that you have in life as opposed to the Bad. Glass half full type of mentality. Things seem a little bit better once that happens. OK, on to the awards. First, I'd Like to thank EVERYONE WHO HAS READ A POST, EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS THIS BLOG, AND EVERYONE ELSE haha. Special shout outs go to Larisa, for helping me with Throwback Track Ideas, thanks to Anna, for helping me with the fashion designer picks. Thanks to everyone who has tried to adopt the name FRANCIS into their mind when they think of me or see me or talk to me. NEXT YEAR I'M CHANGING IT, THATS MY WORD! 300 bucks, I gotchu! LOVE EVERYONE. AS- SALAM ALAIKUM

Male Obsession
-Olivia Munn

Female Obsession
-Taylor Lautner

Issue of the Year
-Swine Flu(H1N1)

3 Most Talked about people of the year
-Kanye West/Taylor Swift
-Jon and Kate
-Tiger Woods and The Mistresses

Underrated Person of the Year
-Jason Schwartzman

Overrated Person of the Year
-Taylor Swift

Internet Sensation
Increase In Blogging

Trend of the Year

Best Blog/Website of The Year

Magazine of The Year
-Death and Taxes

Phrase of The Year
“Fuck My Life”

Skateboarder Of The Year
-Chris Cole

Best Athletic Team
-Los Angeles Lakers

Top 3 Comebacks of the Year
-Star Trek
-Hip Hop
-The New Orleans Saints

Top 3 Letdowns of the Year
-The Hundreds Apparel
-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
-The Estatic(Mos Def)

Designer of the Year(Male)
-Maison Martin Margiela

Designer of the Year(Female)

Graphic Artist of The Year
Phil Lumbang II

My 3 Favorite People of the Year
-Larisa OcaƱada
-Charmaine Winston
-Rochelle Ipps

My Top 5 Favorite Songs of the Year
-Sky Might Fall-Kid Cudi
-Two Weeks-Grizzly Bear
-Exhibit C-Jay Electronica
-Pac Div-Pac Div
-Animal-Miike Snow

Top 3 Best New Music Acts of 2009
-Matt and Kim
-Miike Snow

Song of the Year
D.O.A. Jay-Z

Musical City of the Year
-Brooklyn, NY(Jay-Z, Grizzly Bear, Animal Collective, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Mos Def, Matt and Kim)

Music Video of The Year
-My Girls: Animal Collective

Best TV Show(Drama)
-Mad Men

Best TV Show(Comedy)
-Bored to Death

Worst TV Show
-Real Chance of Love 2

Best TV Show(Animated)
-South Park

Best Film(Drama)
-Inglorious Basterds

Best Film(Comedy)
-The Hangover

Best Film(Animated)
-Fantastic Mr. Fox

Top Ten Albums of 2009
-Veckatimest: Grizzly Bear
-Merriweather Post Pavillion: Animal Collective
-Miike Snow: Miike Snow
-Till The Casket Drops: Clipse
-Actor: St. Vincent
-Boy Meets World: Fashawn
-It’s Blitz!: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Davy: Coconut Records
-Where The Wild Things Are Soundtrack: Karen O and the Kids
-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix: Phoenix

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Top 10 Indie Hip Hop Albums Of All Time

Some of these albums should also be considered for best hip hop albums of all time, if someone where to do that. Maybe I should....maybe not. The idea of doing this first crossed my mind last night when I was listening to Murs and then this afternoon when Reflection Eternal was on, I was just like yeah, i'ma do it. SO, here is my top ten list of the best Indie Hip Hop Albums. I know some folks are going to be moaning and groaning about there not being any Atmosphere, or Mr. Lif, or MED, or Zion I, and so on, but we can argue if you want.....but then who REALLY wants to argue with me about hip hop???? Very few. =]

10.Labor Days:Aesop Rock
9.3rd Eye Vision:Hieroglyphics
7.Ruff Draft:J Dilla
6.Black Star:Black Star(Mos Def and Talib Kweli)
5.The Listening: Little Brother
4.Murs 3:16 the 9th Edition:Murs and 9th Wonder
3.Below The Heavens:Blu and Exile
2.Madvilliany:Madvillian(MF DOOM and Madlib)
1.Train of Thought:Reflection Eternal(Talib Kweli and Hi-Tek)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Karate Kid 2010

Caught this over on Jerry's Blog(which is awesome)

I don't have any words for this right now. hahahahahha

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Danger Mouse x James Mercer =BROKEN BELLS

So you have one of the greatest producers of all time and MY favorite producer of all time(yes, before Dilla) and you have a great singer from one of the best indie rock bands maybe ever. And now they're a group. Danger Mouse and James Mercer(The Shins) are Broken Bells. Their album drops in March, and whats great is that you can go to their website to hear their first single =]


Monday, December 21, 2009

The Official/Unofficial Theme Song for the 2009 Cookie Monster Blog Awards

I felt like this was the song for the awards. It's the 3rd version of the song, it's the 3rd version of the awards. The song is dope my blog is dope. =]

I PRESENT EXHIBIT C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"They call me Jay Electronica, fuck that!
Call me Jay ElecHANNUKAH
JAY ElecRAMADAAN Muhamed Asalamicca, Rasoul Allah Suprana Watallah through your monitor."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kobe, Lebron, and Santa vs. Blitzen part 1&2

You may notice a certain someone as the voice of Blitzen....totally out of his character I think, but good nonetheless

And then I'm pretty sure no one will notice that KRS-ONE is Santa.

Thanks Jerry

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Marquise Henry. DC:Skateboarding Is Forever

Since I've been into skateboarding I've noticed that up and coming black skaters are sponsored by either Vans or DC...mostly DC. From the days of Stevie Williams and Terry Kennedy, and Darrell Stanton to Devine Calloway and now Marquise Henry. I don't understand why they never stay with the companies that put them on and got their footage out Anyways, Marquise Henry is Nice as hell.

*Marquise Preston is another black skater on Emerica(shoes)My bad
thats for anyone who read this post before I fixed things

Thursday, December 17, 2009




*Already Won The Award

Male Obsession
-Megan Fox
-Olivia Munn
-Nicki Minaj
Female Obsession
-Taylor Lautner
-Robert Pattinson
Issue of the Year
-Health Care
-Swine Flu
-The Economy
Song of the Year
-Best I Ever Had:Drake
-D.O.A. Jay-z
-Daylight-Matt and Kim
Graphic Artist of The Year
-Phil Lumbang II
-Dan McPharlin
*3 Most Talked about people of the year
-Kanye West/Taylor Swift
-Jon and Kate
-Tiger Woods and The Mistresses
Underrated Person of the Year
-Jason Schwartzman
-Karen O
-DJ Exile
-Paul Rudd
-Jon Hamm
Overrated Person of the Year
-Lady Gaga
-Taylor Swift
-Seth Rogan
-Betsey Johnson
*Internet Sensation
Increase In Blogging
*Trend of the Year
Best Blog/Website of The Year
Magazine of The Year
-Death and Taxes
-Vanity Faire
Phrase of The Year
-“That’s What She Said”
-“It’s Legit”
-“Fuck My Life"
Skateboarder Of The Year
-Chris Cole
-Dennis Busenitz
-Cory Kennedy
-Theotis Beasly
-Paul Rodriguez
Best Athletic Team
-New Orleans Saints
-Los Angeles Lakers
-New York Yankees
*Top 3 Comebacks of the Year
-Star Trek
-Hip Hop
-The New Orleans Saints
*Top 3 Letdowns of the Year
-The Hundreds Apparel
-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
-The Estatic(Mos Def)
Designer of the Year(Male)
-Oscar De La Renta
-Maison Martin Margiela
Designer of the Year(Female)
-Coco Chanel

*My Favorite People of the Year
-Larisa Ocanada
-Charmaine Winston
-Rochelle Ipps
*My Top 5 Favorite Songs of the Year
-Sky Might Fall-Kid Cudi
-Two Weeks-Grizzly Bear
-Exhibit C-Jay Electronica
-Pac Div-Pac Div
-Animal-Miike Snow
*Top 3 Best New Music Acts of 2009
-Matt and Kim
-Miike Snow
*Musical City of the Year
-Brooklyn,NY(Jay-Z, Grizzly Bear,Animal Collective, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Mos Def, Matt and Kim)
Music Video of The Year
-Welcome To Heartbreak:Kanye West feat. Kid Cudi
-My Girls:Animal Collective
-While You Wait For The Others:Grizzly Bear
-Heaven Can Wait: Charlotte Gainsbourg feat. Beck
-Blame It: Jamie Foxx feat. T-Pain
Best TV Show(Drama)
-Mad Men
-Breaking Bad
Best TV Show(Comedy)
-How I Met Your Mother
-The Office
-Bored to Death
-Parks and Recreation
Worst TV Show
-Real Housewives of Atlanta
-Frankie and Neffie
-Real Chance of Love 2
Best TV Show(Animated)
-South Park
-The Cleveland Show
-Family Guy
Best Film(Drama)
-Where The Wild Things Are
-A Serious Man
-Up in the Air
-Inglorious Basterds
Best Film(Comedy)
-The Hangover
-Funny People
500 Days of Summer
-Pirate Radio
Best Film(Animated)
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-Princess and the Frog

The Top 20 Albums Considered for the Top 10

Out of these 20 albums i'm picking a top ten list. =]

20 Albums Considered for top 10 list of the year
-Veckatimest: Grizzly Bear
-Merriweather Post Pavillion: Animal Collective
-Miike Snow: Miike Snow
-Till The Casket Drops: Clipse
-Man on the Moon: Kid Cudi
-Actor: St. Vincent
-Brooklynatti: Tanya Morgan
-Boy Meets World: Fashawn
-Deeper Than Rap: Rick Ross
-Nobel Beast: Andrew Bird
-It’s Blitz!: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Where The Wild Things Are Soundtrack: Karen O and the Kids
-Ray Guns Are Not The Future: The Bird and The Bee
-Born Like This: MF DOOM
-Dark Night of the Soul: Danger Mouse and Sparkle Horse
-Early: Georgia Anne Muldrow
-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix:Phoenix
-Exile Radio: DJ Exile
-Grand: Matt and Kim
-Crime Pays: Cam’ron

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lamborghini Ankonian Concept


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How I Got Over-The Roots

I apologize, I had no idea this was out...

Monday, December 14, 2009


Not only is he one of the dopest skaters ALIVE. He has the dopest songs in his parts!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't Fear The Sweeper: NIKE SB VIDEO

After falling short with their fisrt video, and making a great comback with Debacle this year, i'm interested to see how this 3 part video is going to be.
From the looks of the trailer, it looks pretty amazing, no?

Morgan Freeman Speaks on Invictus

I really liked this movie. I can't say too much else about it at the moment, but I just really liked it. It was a necessary movie... espescially for our time.

*Invictus aka Morgan Freeman's comeback(see Wanted, actually dont see Wanted, just...yeah, he was messing up for a minute but he came back with this one)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Eric Koston Talks Why He Went With Nike

I remember when I heard that he was leaving Lakai, i was like WTF??????? WHY????? and then me and Caleb...basically everyone that truely skates were debating on where he was going to go, and Caleb called Nike and I was like naaaah. And sure enough, thats where he went. I think he(caleb) more than I was disapointed(he has this thing about staying with the old companies,and he doesnt like Nike for skating shoes, but I do) and now that I think about it, I'm just like hey, I like seeing Koston in Nikes. He's my favorite skater of all time and Nike's skate good so Hey whatever =]


Hey, do you remember soul music? I know I know, it's not as popular and when we think of soul we think of Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfeild, Dianna Ross, Teddy Pendergrass, and so on and so on. But remember when recent soul music brought out artists like Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, D'ANGELO, Raphael Saadiq, and others? Well yeah I know you don't hear much from them now, but I would have to say that one person keeping the life of Soul music alive would have to Georgia Anne Muldrow. I heard of her maybe 2 or three years ago, always liked her, but never got to buying an album =[

BUT, that will all change soon(when i get paid) because I just listened through her album Early, and its pretty amazing, and should be in any magazines top 50 albums 2009(considering all genres)I kind of want you to hear it more than me talk about her. I absolutely love her music so check this out.

Throwback Track: Got Till It's Gone-Janet Jackson feat. Q-Tip

I was actually gonna post "Thats The Way Love Goes" (you had it right Larisa) but then I saw this and I was like ah shit, nvm, I HAD to post this one.
produced by James Yancey aka Jay Dee aka J Dilla

*Joni Mitchell never lies

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


HELLA FUNNY. I think Dame Dash won this hahahah

"Ya shoes look like red cucumbers, get the fuck outa here" hahahahahahhahaa

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Four Star Clothing Team in Europe. Enjoi.

*Cameo:Spike Jonze, Eric Koston, Baby Koston

Gang Of Fourstar from Crailtap on Vimeo.


The 2 Best Games of S.K.A.T.E. I Have Ever Seen

Brought To You By The Berrics. Probably the best skateboard site on the planet.

Please Watch because they both are just incredible =]

Mike Mo Capaldi vs. Billy Marks

Chris Cole vs. Dennis Busenitz

Pursuit of Happiness-Kid Cudi

Dir: Brody Baker. Same person who did the video for My Girls by Animal Collective
Prod: Josh Hartnett
Cameos: Drake and Consequence
Song Produced by: RATATAT
One My favs from the album

*Me:Cudi Jerry: Drake....we would definitely be spraying the girls at a party with champagne haha

Monday, December 7, 2009



Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let Me Tell You About My Awards

Being an avid magazine reader, one thing that I always see each year are the awards that mags have. From GQ Man of The Year, to Thasher Magazine's skateboarding awards, and various music magazines who give you a list of the year's best albums. So in 2007 when myspace was at it's peak, I told everyone that I was going to do my own awards. Since I try my best to pay attention to whats going on in the arts and sometimes outside of them, and since I'm an opinionated person, I figured It'd be cool to do this. At first, they were called the "Jae B. Awards"(i'm usually more creative than that) but since I have my own official blog and I don't go by that name anymore, I'm changing it to the COOKIE MONSTER AWARDS....

What will the awards consist of? Well, there's music awards, film awards, websites, sayings, celeb awards, my own personal awards, and others. This will be the first year I actually have a list of nominees, and most likely, it will be the first year I face real opposition of what I have chosen. For some awards, like....Song of The Year, or Best Sports Team, I usually try not to use my bias too much and go off of impact or the facts I guess. But ultimately, these awards are my opinion of what I have observed over the span of 12 months in pop culture and moderately popular culture. I'm glad people care about what I have to say, and that I can get people to discuss and even argue about the winners and losers, and I'm glad people actually care about what I have to say(most of the time) and will support these Awards. Some people...well, a lot of people wont even give a person their ear if that person isn't popular or famous, so I would like to thank my readers and friends for sticking with me on this. 3rd times a charm! =]

*nominees will be posted sometime before Christmas

Saturday, December 5, 2009


BIIIIG SHOUT OUT TO MY LITTLE FRIEND ANNA AKA NANA AKA SASSY LASSY. Most likely the 2nd youngest of my friends, but you would never guess that she just turned 19. Love Her Mucha!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kid Cudi talks about the New Album

OOOH He hasn't been on here in awhile! Man on the Moon was.....Good, but didnt meet my expectations(musically)He's still one of my favorite people in music so oh well haha
I hope this next album will be better(musically)

Musicians and Actors vs. The Water Issue

Singer Kenna, Actress Jessica Biel, and Rapper and My Hero Lupe Fiasco are planning to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in order to spread the word about the clean water issues in Ethiopia. This is pretty important. Check it out.

*Quantum Of Solace had point. Thats all i'll say haha.

How they trained.... haha LUPE'S AFRO HAHA.

and the HP Commercial.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why Taylor Swift Owes Kanye West Everything

For the longest time, I refused to really get into this topic. People got really butt hurt over something that had nothing to with them, nor was it even important. Nevertheless, it was blown out of proportion for no reason and in turn, Kanye West became the most hated black man on earth, once again(he's past O.J. Simpson) and all of a sudden, people started to act like they really gave a shit about Taylor Swift. Now, let's be honest, Taylor was popular but not that popular, and her music is wack, even by pop standards and country standards. Who was really talking about Taylor Swift? I mean, her real fan base(teens) where on the Jonas Bros. Miley Cirus,The Black Eyed Peas and so on. Her popularity was not at the height it is at this moment. All of a sudden she's EVERYWHERE. SNL, The View, Cover's Of Mags, She won best artist(i think it was best artist) at the AMA's and is nominated for ALBUM OF THE YEAR at the Grammy's........ come on now. Do you really think she would get all of this new popularity, had Kanye not walked up on the stage? Hell NO. Why is it, that everytime she's on tv getting interviewed, or on SNL, or The Country Music awards, do they bring up Kanye West? Because if it wasn't for him, Taylor Swift would be at the level of popularity she already was at. Her popularity alone jumps when her name is put next to........can you guess? KANYE WEST. When people see her, all they think of is what KANYE WEST DID. Not for her music or video. And I'm not saying Kanye was right for doing it. He had an opinion but chose to go about it in the wrong way. I mean, Beyonce's vids are redundant and simple so I don't get why he thinks she could have a great video, but hey. Taylor Swift should have Kanye produce her next album, then she may even be even more popular than he is....not =]

Throwback Track: Hard Knock Life-Jay-Z

My introduction to the greatest rapper of all time.
Vol. 2 Hard Knock Life was my first Jay album, and ever since then, I've been hooked.

*When me and Caleb became friends(in high school), we got in an argument about this song. He thought it was wack that the producer sampled Annie and I was like HELL NO, that was so tight.... I dont know how he feels about it today haha

Up In The Air

I just realized that I never posted this trailer. What the hell is wrong with me???!!!
I've been wanting to see this for like almost 2 months and I never even posted the trailer. Shame on me. Well yea, uuuum this movie is about to be raw so....yeah

Monday, November 30, 2009

Behind The Scenes of The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Seeing This Later In The Week

Jason Schwartzman on Ellen

Hold on, my dude put out a great album this year, is the star of one of the top comedy shows PERIOD, was in the funniest movie of the year PERIOD, and is in one of the dopest animated movies of the year, and is the newphew of Francis Ford Copalla?????

Let's be honest, you did not know all that about Jason Schwartzman did you? haha

Charlotte Gainsbourg Speaks on The Title Track from her album IRM

Just downloaded the song, and its solid. I read that her whole album is produced and co-written by Beck and I think it's coming out in January. Telling from this song and the song Heaven Can Wait(scroll down to see the video) it sounds like Modern Guilt part 2 just with a female singing lead, which is great.

*Modern Guilt is Beck's latest album that came out last year co-produced by DANGERMOUSE
and possibly one of my favorite albums of all case you didnt know =]

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I know I'm super late on him...I think. But I am 21 and I don't study fashion, I'm just into it. And what I'm into right now, without having the money to buy them, are Tom Ford's suits. SO ILL!!!!!!!! Another reason why I read GQ Magazine. Check it...


oh and no homo when you first get on site haha. I was just like OH NO! and clicked men's wear. haha


There is this section on the blog called "Super Friends" which consist of blogs I support. Just recently, Jerry turned his blog into an all knowing music blog where he gives you the scoop on new music that you'd may want to check out and music that you probably missed in your years of living(and probably before your time and mine) And thats how I found out about Toro y Moi. I believe this is the solo project of Chazwick Bundick,from the band The Heist and the Accomplice. I would HIGHLY suggest you download his EP called Demo because it's fucking great. And I would HIGHLY suggest you go to Jerry's blog(in the super friends section) and get acquainted with some good music. =]


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Stuff White People Like

I think I may buy this...

Sunday, November 22, 2009


This past weekend, I've either stumbled across or have been shown some dope bands, and i'm happy to share with you lovely people the first of a couple. Here is Jonathan Boulet, who's album is coming out next tuesday. After hearing this song and then listening to the rest of their music on their MYSPACE!!! I was instantly a fan. Check em out, this video is dope as hell!

Heaven Can Wait-Charlotte Gainsbourg

Featuring Beck I believe. You may recognize her from the film I'm Not There This video is making it really hard on me as far as nominees for video of the year...

Charlotte Gainsbourg - Heaven Can Wait from Charlotte Gainsbourg on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Lucky for me(sometimes) Steve is so nonchalant, that he didnt even care that I thought his bday, at first, was the 23rd, then I thought it was the 22nd, and tonight at danny's he was like Nah dog, it's in an hour hahaha. Love my dude tho. He's my little brother and now finally all my best guy friends are 21!!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Getting To Know PAC DIV

If their music is not THE music for my age group as far as hip hop goes, I don't know what else is. Can't do nothing love on these dudes. Can't wait for that album...

Ready, Able-Grizzly Bear

I was on you tube looking for another video from them and i found this one.
Supposedly, this is the official one but I dunno.

Ready, Able is my 3rd fav song on the album after Two Weeks and Cheerleader

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Yae or Nae? It looks aight.

I'm just happy to see my dude Chiwetel Ejiofor is getting roles in big movies(Inside Man, 2012, Children of Men) And Liev Schreiber's in it too =]

Thanks CHI

A Bathing Ape vs. The Beatles

One of the greatest clothing lines of all time meets one of the greatest bands of all time.

Nigo vs. Ringo haha

The Only Tight Beyonce Video In Existence

This is for Danny and my female readers who like Beyonce...
But let's be honest, Beyonce's videos are just as redundent as rap videos(most of them) but this one, however, has something slightly different about it...and it aint Lady Gaga either(a classic butt-her-face) Enjoi haha

RAF SIMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since snooping around on Kanye's blog last year, i've liked Raf Simons. =]

Which reminds me....who's gonna win designer of the year for the C****** M***** A***** this year? Where my girls at?

FITTING SS10 PART 1 from on Vimeo.

Throwback Track: We Can Freak It-Kurupt

Another West Coast Classic For YOOOOUUUU

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I fucking hope this doesnt come out before the end of 2009, cause now I'm adding this to my list of movies i need to see.
Thanks Jerry

Pirate Radio Review

I noticed tonight, that one of the hardest questions for me to answer is when someone asks me what I thought of a film right after we just watched it. Especially when I liked it, and it's obvious I liked it. So when Danny asked me what I thought of Pirate Radio as soon was we got into the car(well maybe 5 minutes after) I didn't have an answer for him. So on the way to In and Out(Melissa and Danny were hungry) I was sitting in the back, the quietest I had been all day and really thought about why I liked it.

Pirate Radio, I would have to say, is that last living true connection to the 60's and rock n roll(besides the albums we have) The story is about Young Carl, a misfit, going to live on a ship with his godfather, the head of Pirate Radio. While there, he encounters all of the staff and their different personalities and kind of begins his coming of age story, all the while the government of England is trying to shut them down by any means necessary. There is one big problem with Carl...he grew up never knowing his father. And when a fellow crew member Thick Kevin(because he just thick in the head) reveals a theory that his father is on the ship, Carl starts to suspect who his father is.

So at this point we're in the drive thru and the biggest light bulb goes off in my head. I say three words that sparks up the car "Bob is Blues". And then I followed with Carl is rock n roll. Bob is the mysterious hippie type character who has the a show from 3am-6am. Carl eventually learns the truth about Bob, and'll have to see the movie, to find out what happens from there. But what is great about this, is that the character Carl represents rock n roll because he is the new cat on the ship and the youngest and he is trying to find his way and make sense of things while having a great time. He's innocent, yet radical, and a misfit. Isn't that what rock n roll was when it first came out? What also gives Bob away is that he tells Carl to tell his mother(when she comes for a visit)that he said Muddy Watters(Blues Artist) Rock n Roll came from Blues, Carl came from Bob(haha) and in a way, its kind of saying this is how you pass the torch, this is how you keep the music going or life going by breading and making something new. Now with that said, aside from being one the greatest connections to the 60's that we have in 2009 its a hilarious movie, that anyone can enjoy. And lets face it, Classic rock from the 60's and 70's is the best genre of rock n roll PERIOD. And before this year is over, I suggest with fierceness, that you see Pirate Radio. What up Danny?! hahaha

Hero Day part 3

I have not had a Hero Day post in a long time. The first I believe was with Pharrell and then the 2nd was with Lupe, and now the 3rd is with Lupe again. I would have to say Wasalu Jaco aka Lupe Fiasco is numero uno on my kind of long hero list. I'm not going to get into why, because I will be typing forever, and you prolly dont care haha.

The Wikipedia Files with Lupe Fiasco from WBEZ on Vimeo.

Monday, November 16, 2009

BoyCrazy Gets A Job

I know some of you I know have seen this because at one point either last week or a little before I was crazy for Boy Crazy and I was showing my female friends the videos of Alexi Wasser. This shit is funny.

boycrazy gets a job: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.


I remember watching a documentary on Annie Leibowitz in photo class in high school and thinking, she's soooo ill. And like 4 years later it's like she's still soooo ill.
By the way, I can't really tell where Lady Gaga is in these photos...I mean kind of but not really.

Popular Demand(Popeyes)-Clipse feat. Cam'ron

A have to say a few things first...
1.The two piece chicken meal with the biscuits and red beans and rice with the strawberry soda is MY SHIT!
3. Till The Casket Drops is going to be MY SHIT
4. If you have never had Popeyes, you need to stop playin. This includes vegans and vegetarians alike.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chasing Pirates-Norah Jones

Yeah, i'm pretty sure my crush on her is coming back in a major way...

Dirty Houses w/ Tony Roberts

This dude is hella funny. You have to watch his other stuff.

shout out to Liv for shooting this over to me.

Whiplash X Young Black Male-PAC DIV

I don't even get why they call it a mixtape, it's bacsically an album. All original beats and lyrics and everything... so instead of saying it's one of the best albums of the year, it has to be the BEST MIXTAPE of the year, hands down.
you can download it right here...

Church League Champions

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Is Dope, No?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Knocked Down-The Cool Kids

This shit is tiiiiight. Love how they're cool with Pac Div, Nick Diamond and Gomez Warren IV

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Interview w/ Matthew Weiner

The Creator and Writer of Mad Men talks about Season 3 and Plans for Season 4.

Words can't explain how much I love this show.

What Up Danny?! haha

"They're Fighting For Our Freedom".....Not Really

Damn, I haven't done an opinion piece in awhile. I'm bout to start up again.

So, I have a rather huge issue, well, a huge problem with the way the media paints the image of soldiers. Now, I don't mean any disrespect towards veterans or anyone who has family in the military, but I do not agree with people and the media saying that soldiers fight for our "freedom" and that they are Heroes. Really? Outside of being decorated for medals and you know, maybe saving someones life in the heat of the battle, I wouldn't call them heroes. Let's look at the Iraq War, Vietnam, and Korea. How are you protecting my freedom by invading other countries? If we're talking about the freedoms I have, that have been put into place by the work of black people in the past who eventually got the constitution to include and work for black people, how is anyone in the Middle East and North Korea about to threaten that? How was anyone in Vietnam bout to come over here and take my freedoms away? I have more chance of losing my freedoms in my own country! I don't support war at all, however some wars have to be fought in order to liberate good people from bad ones. That means the Holocaust, and getting Hitler out of power, and Mussolini out of power, and Stalin, not bombing the shit out of Iraq. Not going into Vietnam and getting a lot of people killed for no reason. Well, no GOOD reason. So I have some respect for soldiers who fought in wars against evil people, but don't ever say that these people fight for my freedom. The worst part are celebs and athletes who get on tv and say thank you to the soldiers in overseas fighting for our freedom. And then of course, the less informed person will be like "Oh they said it so that's what they must be doing over there" NO. And just because I don't support war and back our military being in other countries doesn't mean I don't feel bad when they die. Of course I do. It's a person dying, and what sucks is that they aren't even dying for a good cause(unless they're saving someone or something like that) but ya'll know what I mean. And do you even know what you're saying when you say "Support The Troops"? No, I don't support them going over invading countries. I do hope that they come back, but support what they're doing? I'm sorry I can't do that. Our country was not in danger by Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, so how are you fighting for our country? Terrorist don't equal a whole country. Again, this is not shit on soldiers, but mainly, to shit on the media, and uninformed people who just say whatever about these people to make it seem like its justified that we're in other peoples countries for no GOOD reason.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reflection Eternal Interview

Can they please come out with the album PLEASE????

Make It Mine-Jason Mraz

Honestly, I never liked this dude until I heard this song and saw clips of the video ON DEMAND. This song as well as the video are proper.

Got that jazz, funk, big band sound....basically it's perfect for me

Throwback Track: Semi Charmed Life-Third Eye Blind



Target Commercial

All right, finally, I found an example of the Target Commercials I've been in love with lately. I dunno, I just like them, makes me happy. The song is cool too. I think it's called More to Love by Minnutes? Yeah Minnutes, 2 n's nigga. =]

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Boy Crazy Promo

Of course, I'm not boy crazy but this chick Alexi Wasser is.I stumbled across her on the Hundreds blog and peeped this video. This shit is funny, and the website seems cool.LAAADIIIIEESSSS GO CHECK IT OUT


Boy Crazy Promo from alexi wasser on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pirate Radio

AKA the movie Danny's been raving about FOREVER(let it be known)and probably going to be one the best movies of the year.

Shout out to Phil Hoffman for me being one of my favorite actors. HE AINT GET THE OSCAR FOR NOTHIN

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jay Electronica: Secret Show


shot by Adam Saewitz. I LOVE THE EDITING

Jay Electronica Live @ Santos 11.3.09 from Adam Saewitz on Vimeo.

The Roots-How I Got Over(Behind The Scenes)

I guess you could imagine how disappointed I was when I found out that the album wasn't coming out till 2010 =[

The Roots - "How I Got Over" (Behind the Scenes) from By Any Means T.V. on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


People don't like to take risks or try anything different[in hip hop] In order to make any impact in the industry, not just sales wise, but for artistry, you have to be able to go to the left. Sometimes you'll get killed for it, and sometimes you'll succeed. But he[Jay Electronica] was willing to go all the way to the left with it. -Just Blaze

As I was driving home maybe a half hour ago from the gym, thinking of what I was gonna write for this piece here, I was thinking of the change in rap I've come to notice. A lot of it is...straightforward in terms of what the rapper is saying. There isnt a lot of disguising, word play, actual lyrical skill put into it. Of course there are the exceptions, and if you want to call that exception underground or indie hip hop, then whatever. But i like to keep all together. I remember hearing about Jay Elec. because I wanted to sample some stuff off of the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind soundtrack and someone told me he(Jay) did it already. And I was like fuck, well now i'm not going to do it, but let me find who this dude is. Now, one thing that makes Jay different about just about every single rapper in the game is that he was close to or actually being the first ever rap enigma. It was like you hear about him but you couldn't find him. He was a mystery. He had no myspace. No mixtape. All you had to go off of was the Eternal Sunshine project he did, where he raps over scores from the movie(and I eventually sampled some stuff from the movie =] )

The reason why I'm sitting here writing about this guy, even though I know maybe...4-5 people will read this and maybe 2 will care, is because I actually believe that Jay Electronica is one of the best rappers alive and yet, with a huge buzz in 07, huge backing from Just Blaze and Erykah Badu, and Diddy, and Nas, he is still an enigma.

I remember him saying in an interview(URB Mag) that he's taking his time and doing things the way he wants to. He's not giving you all of him all at once and I love that. It's another way to keep you interested although, I would love to have an album from him. Why is Jay Elec special? Well, bring it back to what he's saying, how he's saying it, what he's talking about, how interesting is the way he's saying it? That is how you judge how good a rapper is. If you listen to him(playlist on the blog) you can tell that at 31 years old he's already mastered rapping and he has never put out an album. Its like he came into the game like he had been in it for 20 years. Basically shitting on any and every beat thrown at him. Dropping knowledge, telling stories, bragging, or anything, the dude can do very very well. His approach to making songs is very unorthodox, yet it works perfectly for him. It's not like everything you hear all the time. Thats why he's special. Thats why you should listen to him. The things he talks about, and how he talks about them with skill, is just incredible. Not everything is for you to get all at once, and I can dig that. So as far as rap goes, Jay Electronica is one of those few people who are wonder to listen to, who are like a breath of fresh air, who make you think, who make you realize that there can be more to a rapper than what you get on the radio.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Olivia Munn(Briggs) does a photo shoot for her magazine. I'm bout to go see what this My Mag business is about.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Throwback Track: The Blast-Reflection Eternal


Saturday, October 31, 2009


If she was in the public eye more than she is now, she would definitely be beating out Megan Fox as the hot chick.

either way she's a nominee for the Male Obsession Award(we'll get to that later)



Friday, October 30, 2009

Olivia Munn x Jimmy Fallon

Two things...

one: Look at Olivia's(my baby) legs....GOT DAMN. Just....uuuuughhhhhhh can I have em?
two: How is the other guest funnier than Jimmy Fallon? wow

Jimmy Kimmel Shootin On Melissa Joan Heart