Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pirate Radio Review

I noticed tonight, that one of the hardest questions for me to answer is when someone asks me what I thought of a film right after we just watched it. Especially when I liked it, and it's obvious I liked it. So when Danny asked me what I thought of Pirate Radio as soon was we got into the car(well maybe 5 minutes after) I didn't have an answer for him. So on the way to In and Out(Melissa and Danny were hungry) I was sitting in the back, the quietest I had been all day and really thought about why I liked it.

Pirate Radio, I would have to say, is that last living true connection to the 60's and rock n roll(besides the albums we have) The story is about Young Carl, a misfit, going to live on a ship with his godfather, the head of Pirate Radio. While there, he encounters all of the staff and their different personalities and kind of begins his coming of age story, all the while the government of England is trying to shut them down by any means necessary. There is one big problem with Carl...he grew up never knowing his father. And when a fellow crew member Thick Kevin(because he just thick in the head) reveals a theory that his father is on the ship, Carl starts to suspect who his father is.

So at this point we're in the drive thru and the biggest light bulb goes off in my head. I say three words that sparks up the car "Bob is Blues". And then I followed with Carl is rock n roll. Bob is the mysterious hippie type character who has the a show from 3am-6am. Carl eventually learns the truth about Bob, and well...you'll have to see the movie, to find out what happens from there. But what is great about this, is that the character Carl represents rock n roll because he is the new cat on the ship and the youngest and he is trying to find his way and make sense of things while having a great time. He's innocent, yet radical, and a misfit. Isn't that what rock n roll was when it first came out? What also gives Bob away is that he tells Carl to tell his mother(when she comes for a visit)that he said Muddy Watters(Blues Artist) Rock n Roll came from Blues, Carl came from Bob(haha) and in a way, its kind of saying this is how you pass the torch, this is how you keep the music going or life going by breading and making something new. Now with that said, aside from being one the greatest connections to the 60's that we have in 2009 its a hilarious movie, that anyone can enjoy. And lets face it, Classic rock from the 60's and 70's is the best genre of rock n roll PERIOD. And before this year is over, I suggest with fierceness, that you see Pirate Radio. What up Danny?! hahaha

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