Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Much like Mr. Ross, Dart is a paper chaser. Nothing wrong with it all. Dart has always had "BOSS" mentality and has never really liked working for people. He wants to have his own shit when he's older. The guy definitely has a taste for the very fine things in life and why not? Besides, Jerry and Danny, I love shopping with Dart. We're kind of like each other's fashion consultants in a way haha. Both are big black guys(Rick Ross is more fat than anything and Dart is built) who can dress nice, and who are charming when it comes to the females. Plus both are actual chill individuals who love being relaxed when its time to relax and like gettin that paper haha. I almost with with Jay-Z on this one but I felt like Ross was a little more accurate. Haha, Caleb, you called it!

1 comment:

Caleb said...

another accurate pick.