Saturday, February 14, 2009

Going In

I'm really getting tired of defending and explaining myself about this name thing. By the end of this year, my name will mostly likely be Francis(legally). I dont get why....90% of people are hating on me for it. I have no problem with calling people what they want to be called, so why can't ya'll do that for me? Is that too much to ask? I have disliked my name for way too long and not have the guts to change it. Change Change Change. You guys didnt shit on Obama for wanting "change" so why are you shitting on me for it? "I just dont see you as a Francis" "I know you as Jordon" "No, I dont like you as a Francis" "Jordon's a good name for you" "I like Jordon". You see the problem with the shit people say to me? Its all bout what you feel, and not me. This is my shit, not you. If you like the name Jordon so much, name your kids that, name your pet that, change your name to it. All I asked was for people to call me a name I like and all I get is hate back. "Its tooo haaarrd" I dont see how hard that is, its easy. I know other people who have asked me to call them a certain name, and I had NO problem with it. As much as people want change you gotta shit on your friend's plea for his own personal change? I guess I gotta be on my Ali shit when he made a guy say his name by slapping the shit outa him. Nah, just kidding. But I guess I will have to be as adamant about it as he was and how Malcolm was. Yeah they changed there names mostly because of religious reasons and beliefs but they changed it nonetheless. Bob Dylan's real name isnt Bob Dylan. Woody Allen's real name isnt Woody Allen. I'm not even gonna get into the whole celeb acceptance over normal people shit. I'm just real tired of it, and I feel like maybe....5 people either understand me or just dont care and call me it anyway. I know alot more people than 5. Let me say this....... I...DON'T.....GIVE....A....FUCK IF YOU LIKE THE NAME OR NOT. If I do shit for you and make exceptions for you, you're doing the same for me... PERIOD.

140 and some time, and you wont know a Jordon anymore. One.

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