Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Asleep In the Bread Aisle Review

Damn, I haven't written a review on an album in a minute. I'll try to do my best on this one.

You know when you hear about an artist before everyone(minus Jerry) you know has and you are always talking about them because you swear on your life they are the shit?
And when their album finally comes out and you are up at best buy(dimples wasn't open yet) as soon as they open to buy that shit? But after listening to the cd all day that day and the next day you get the feeling like you were kind of let down? Well, that's how I feel about Asleep in the Bread Aisle, Asher Roth's debut album, and I'm sad to say that I almost have buyer's remorse or at least I could have waited another week or two and bought something else. I hope I don't discourage you all not to go get it and I'm not saying not to get it. Its a solid album and it has good tracks such as "As I Em"(gives you insight on how he deals with Eminem comparisons)and "His Dream"(vivid honest story)but maybe the problem was that I felt like there weren't enough concepts or the concepts were a little too simple and it was a little too silly. The only exciting feelings I got when listening to the album was on songs like "Lark on my Go Kart" "I Love College" and "Lion's Roar". But overall I think it could have been a little better as far as production and concepts but it is a cool album to play at a kick back....maybe. I still go for Asher tho. haha


backpackblack said...

i think if most of the album sounded like that don cannon beat this shit woulda been classic. haha.

Mister Z said...

ehhh im not sure this album will be that gooda