Friday, January 15, 2010

Jay Smooths Educates You On What To Do In Haiti

Usually I don't watch his videos because I can't stand listening to him talk(because his voice and editing is annoying) but this was short and he brought up some good stuff about the history of Haiti. I've been kind of struggling with myself on whether or not to post anything on here about what happened in Haiti, and other than this, I probably won't post anything about it. Mainly because it's everywhere and I don't necessarily need to inform you about it. It's pretty easy to find some places online to donate mainly because a lot of people have posting it on facebook or twitter or wherever else. So if it seems as if I don't care because I haven't talked about it, that's not the case. But that country has a had a lot happen to it for the longest time, and it's very unfortunate that when that country tries to progress, something bad always happens and sets Haitians back. So that's all I'll say on the subject.

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