Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The Year called 2009, was rough, yet great all at once. The best way to describe this year would have to be the opening line from A Tale of Two Cities:
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It's kind of bad, when celebs start to die off faster than ever(probably) and you need more than one hand to count how many of them died. It's bad when one man's life and sports career is ruined by the media, even though he truely brought it on himself. It's also kind of bad, to reside in a state who has the highest unemployment rate and in the same state, the tuition goes up like crazy. There was H1N1, Shit, I even started seeing a therapist. BUT, through all this and probably more, we have found ways to be happy and to have fun. All of the 88ers FINALLY got their chance to be 21, we witnessed the first term of the first President of Color(good or bad, it was still cool to see) The ladies of the world went goo goo and basically ape shit over GAGA, there was a movie finally made for the fucked up way we feel when we wake up in the morning after a long night of drinking. Some one also made a movie about 500 days of a relationship that was so spot on for some people, that now Zooey Deschenel is no longer the girl everyone loves and Joseph Gordon Levitt is the Beta Male's unsung hero. We finally saw where the wild things are, The LAKERS AND THE YANKEES fought their way back to glory, Hip Hop had a good year, and indie music was probably at its peak. Oh, and I went to Hawaii, and wrote a short story(first in years) and a short screenplay(first ever)
Like any generation in a hard time, we found many different ways to get over the hardships that we faced(if applicable) and have fun. I know in some small way, everyone has had bad time this year.(R.I.P. NINA MARIE, MY FRIEND) But what I guess I'm trying to say is that you have to take a look at the Good Things that you have in life as opposed to the Bad. Glass half full type of mentality. Things seem a little bit better once that happens. OK, on to the awards. First, I'd Like to thank EVERYONE WHO HAS READ A POST, EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS THIS BLOG, AND EVERYONE ELSE haha. Special shout outs go to Larisa, for helping me with Throwback Track Ideas, thanks to Anna, for helping me with the fashion designer picks. Thanks to everyone who has tried to adopt the name FRANCIS into their mind when they think of me or see me or talk to me. NEXT YEAR I'M CHANGING IT, THATS MY WORD! 300 bucks, I gotchu! LOVE EVERYONE. AS- SALAM ALAIKUM

Male Obsession
-Olivia Munn

Female Obsession
-Taylor Lautner

Issue of the Year
-Swine Flu(H1N1)

3 Most Talked about people of the year
-Kanye West/Taylor Swift
-Jon and Kate
-Tiger Woods and The Mistresses

Underrated Person of the Year
-Jason Schwartzman

Overrated Person of the Year
-Taylor Swift

Internet Sensation
Increase In Blogging

Trend of the Year

Best Blog/Website of The Year

Magazine of The Year
-Death and Taxes

Phrase of The Year
“Fuck My Life”

Skateboarder Of The Year
-Chris Cole

Best Athletic Team
-Los Angeles Lakers

Top 3 Comebacks of the Year
-Star Trek
-Hip Hop
-The New Orleans Saints

Top 3 Letdowns of the Year
-The Hundreds Apparel
-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
-The Estatic(Mos Def)

Designer of the Year(Male)
-Maison Martin Margiela

Designer of the Year(Female)

Graphic Artist of The Year
Phil Lumbang II

My 3 Favorite People of the Year
-Larisa OcaƱada
-Charmaine Winston
-Rochelle Ipps

My Top 5 Favorite Songs of the Year
-Sky Might Fall-Kid Cudi
-Two Weeks-Grizzly Bear
-Exhibit C-Jay Electronica
-Pac Div-Pac Div
-Animal-Miike Snow

Top 3 Best New Music Acts of 2009
-Matt and Kim
-Miike Snow

Song of the Year
D.O.A. Jay-Z

Musical City of the Year
-Brooklyn, NY(Jay-Z, Grizzly Bear, Animal Collective, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Mos Def, Matt and Kim)

Music Video of The Year
-My Girls: Animal Collective

Best TV Show(Drama)
-Mad Men

Best TV Show(Comedy)
-Bored to Death

Worst TV Show
-Real Chance of Love 2

Best TV Show(Animated)
-South Park

Best Film(Drama)
-Inglorious Basterds

Best Film(Comedy)
-The Hangover

Best Film(Animated)
-Fantastic Mr. Fox

Top Ten Albums of 2009
-Veckatimest: Grizzly Bear
-Merriweather Post Pavillion: Animal Collective
-Miike Snow: Miike Snow
-Till The Casket Drops: Clipse
-Actor: St. Vincent
-Boy Meets World: Fashawn
-It’s Blitz!: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Davy: Coconut Records
-Where The Wild Things Are Soundtrack: Karen O and the Kids
-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix: Phoenix


rose said...

well done!

Anonymous said...

Inglorious Basterds is considered a drama? i thought the movie was super witty and hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Yea my girl Chloe doing work.


just because a drama is comical doesnt mean it cant be a drama.

American Beauty has a lot of funny parts but its a drama.

it has the makings of a drama, not a comedy, hence why it won best drama.

Caleb said...

congratulations on your third year.

also, many more friends moved away this past year.


thanks my man. thank you.

and yeah, friends moved away, sucks.

i.e. YOU