Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Serious Man

This is the first movie review I have written in....a long time. To be honest, I don't even remember the last one I wrote. I liked some movies that came out this year, but A Serious Man is different for me. Why? Because it's the first movie I've seen in awhile that sort of spoke to me on a personal level and dealt with things I feel like I dealt with in my life this year. Often, when bad things and disappointments happen to us(constantly) we go through the motions of asking Why? and trying to figure out "Whats Going On Here?" That line was used through out the movie in different situations, and after thinking about it, I felt like that was really the whole movie. The main character: Larry, seems lost the entire time because bad things keep happening to him. One after the other,Like Murphy's Law. He seeks out 3 rabbi's for advice but it seems like none of them are truly getting what he's going through and eventually is left to figure it out for himself.I'm not going to get into the ending just in case the people reading want to see it(I doubt it)but I think the overall lesson or what you're supposed to get out of it is that you have to role with the punches, and go through the bullshit in life. Most of us see that as a given, but sometimes it's good to be reminded. Another reason why I loved this movie besides the visual aspect, the humor, and a look at a Jewish community =] was the way the Coen Brothers didn't tell all about everything. I notice from my own writing that people don't like to be left in the dark or like things being left up to their imagination. And in two or three Coen Bros movies, they do just that, and I love them for it. Thats art to me. Thats the difference for me. Whether in writing, film, music, whatever, thats the dopeness. But that's just me. I will say, that the movie is not for everyone, but the message is, and I'd think it'd be cool if people saw it. I don't think that will happen though. =]

1 comment:

jamil moises said...

there was this movie at the Tower about this poet guy (I forget his name, but his shit is good to read)---anyways, he had this philosophy on the acceptance of imperfection, particularly life's "bullcarp", and how it is just a part of existence and stuff

how we don't know the answers

and how things unspoken are just the way things are ...

music to consider:

happy Ocktober beeze.