Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Is America Bored?

When I'm in a grocery store or a book store or wherever gossip magazines are sold and I look at those magazines and see what the topic is, I ask myself, "Are we that bored?" I wont lie. I am interested for maybe 5 minutes in these gossip stories about Brad and Jen and Angelina or Britney, or Whitney or Will and Jada. They're celebs I guess we're supposed to be interested, but then we move on. It's a shame when we were are glued to our tv sets and laptop screens when a normal family have 8 kids and have marital problems. Oh you must know that I am talking about John and Kate. Larisa gave the low down on their whole situation awhile ago and for the life of me, I could not understand why the American public was so interested. Then she said he's suspected of cheating or something and then I said "OOOOOHHHH I see now". SCANDAL SCANDAL SCANDAL

Ever since that conversation, I have been seeing these people in the news alot and it irritates me every single time. I am used to seeing celebs in the news. There are times when I really wonder why they are in the news but my curiosity for them does not compare to John and Kate. I have to come to the conclusion that Americans are supremely bored. Normal people who could live next door to you in any suburb or hood or city are in the news for what? Having 8 kids? Because they had a reality show? And then you have people trying to pass judgement on them about parenting. They're on the cover of a magazine because Kate spanked her kid. Ridiculous. I mean this shit cant be entertainment. It's not funny. So what is it? Why is a family the talk of the country? I know we're in bad times and we like to get away from it by doing things but giving our time and energy to reading about a family with 8 kids??? You have to be kidding me man. Until someone gives me some real good insight on shit like this I will have to assume that people in this country are as bored as security working six high school graduations in one day.

side note: kids need they're asses beat now more than ever.

1 comment:

rose said...

siiiigh.. where to start... well when the show started i was really into it because the kids were fucking adorable and had these amazing little personalities. then yesterday i took the time to catch up on the current season and i noticed how much things changed. its no longer "all about the kids" even though that statement is made probably 5 times per episode. The whole situation is really sad to me. This was a real marriage and a real family thats breaking before our eyes. For the people that are just now showing an interest in the show because of what its become, well shame on you. America picked and pulled at a family and this is what has become of it. 8 kids with their parents getting divorced. A single kid with divorced parents is a fucked up enough situation. Luckily Jon and Kate both their kids and hopefully things work out one way or another. And yeah a lot of kids these days suck.